Friday, October 15, 2010

Still here.

Hello my wonderful followers and readers. I haven't blogged in a bit due to the dental surgery I had.. I have to just sit around and perty much keep an ice pack on my face and keep myself on pain meds so I can recover.

Oh and I wanted to tell all of you who have left me comments on my blog...THANK YOU! I think getting new followers and new blog comments are just like getting "Just Because" presents.. Makes me smile and very happy.

I haven't been able to do much crocheting since Tuesday because of the surgery. The meds make me perty sleepy and for a few days after the surgery I just feel weak and tired. I'm not sure why because I opted not to be put asleep but I guess it is because I have lots of healing to do..BUT I keep reminding myself that once everything is finished I will have a beautiful smile again.

I am almost finished with the Michigan blanket. I have a few more rows to do to finish up the M and then I will add the remaining blue rows and the yellow border..I am very happy with the way it has turned out. It is only the 2nd blanket I have created a pattern for..I love it..

Anywho..I wont take up anymore of your time. I hope to be well again in a few days and back to tending kids, my home, crocheting, taking pictures and blogging.

Until next time...Be Blessed.


  1. Hope you feel better soon. Sending hugs. xxx

  2. Hope you are soon feeling much brighter and that the meds are keeping you pain free whilst you heal.
